Human Rights Charges Against Sri Lanka’s Police Officials May Be Dropped to Relieve Them of Subsequent ‘Difficulties’ 

Human Rights Charges Against Sri Lanka’s Police Officials May Be Dropped to Relieve Them of Subsequent ‘Difficulties’ 
Photo: Tamil Guardian, 2021. 

Judit Kolbe 

Sri Lanka & Human Rights Researcher 

Global Human Rights Defence 

Sri Lanka’s Public Security Minister Sarath Weerasekera announced on Saturday, the 16th of October, that charges of human rights violations filed against police officials in their line of duty may be dropped if the charge-sheets are not filled out properly within six months (The Island Online, 2021). At a ceremony for launching the community police promotional programme, Weeraserka announced the proposed amendments to the current Establishments Code as a relief mechanism for officers against whom human rights charges have been filed for ‘carrying out their duties’ (The Island Online, 2021). The minister explained how police officers subject to said human rights charges often face difficulties, such as delays in investigations and promotions (The Island Online, 2021; Tamil Guardian, 2021). 

While the minister wants to grant police officers relief for charges filed against them in active duty, human rights organisations, such as Human Rights Watch (HRW), have previously highlighted the increase of police violence in Sri Lanka amid COVID-19 (HRW, 2021). In effect, after the six months have lapsed without properly filed charges, this proposed amendment would grant immunity to police officers accused of human rights violations (Tamil Guardian, 2021). 

Sources and further reading: 

Tamil Guardian (2021, October 18). Sri Lanka to drop ‘human rights charges’ against police officers to speed up their promotion. Tamil Guardian. 

The Island Online (2021, October 2018). Public Security Minister seeks to assist cops who get into trouble in the line of duty. The Island Online.

Human Rights Watch (2021, August 6). Sri Lanka: Police Abuses Surge Amid Covid-19 Pandemic. Human Rights Watch.