Minorities' Inheritance Rights in Pakistan

Minorities' Inheritance Rights in Pakistan
Thirdman via Pexels, June 12th, 2021


Eleni Patlaka

Pakistan Researcher,

Global Human Rights Defence. 

The National Lobby Delegation (NLD) for Minority Rights in Peshawar exposed to the media the challenges faced by minorities in Pakistan regarding inheritance laws. They stressed the need to amend the Succession Act 1925 to protect the rights of non-Muslim citizens. The briefing highlighted several obstacles, including cultural factors, lack of awareness and lengthy legal procedures that prevent the fair distribution of assets among heirs, especially women and minorities (Pakistan Today, 2024).

Haroon Sarab Diyal and Romana Bashir stressed the importance of an up-to-date legal framework to ensure justice in inheritance matters. They also stressed the need for tailored solutions for the Christian and Hindu communities, the two largest religious minorities in Pakistan. The NLD proposed concrete actions, including awareness campaigns for the Christian community and drafting a special law for the Hindu community (Pakistan Today, 2024).

Sources and further reading: 

Pakistan Today. (2024, March 25). Minorities demand to amend Succession Act 1925 for protection of inheritance rights. Pakistan Today. <https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2024/03/25/minorities-demand-to-amend-succession-act-1925-for-protection-of-inheritance-rights/> Accessed 26 March 2024.