Education Enrollment Projects to Boost Opportunities for Children to Attend School

Education Enrollment Projects to Boost Opportunities for Children to Attend School

The World Bank and the organisation Education Above All (EAA) are working together on a project to increase the number of school-going children to 35,000. Education is an important challenge in Djibouti with  one out of five school-age children not enrolled in a school. Children who are not going to school are missing out on learning basic skills and information that enable them to survive. The aim of this project is to grant equal access  to education as women, and refugee children are often out of school. The project is financially supported by the Qatar Fund for Development. If their work is successful there will be an amelioration of children's rights in Djibouti.

Sources: (2021, June 10). “Education Above All Foundation  and World Bank Partner toEnroll 35,000 Out-of-School Children in Djibouti ''. (2015). “Djibouti needs to build and expand on achievements to educate the next generation”.