Zimbabwe: Novelist Tsitsi Dangarembga blames the patriarchal structures of Zimbabwe's society to be the cause for the perpetuation of sexual abuse

Zimbabwe: Novelist Tsitsi Dangarembga blames the patriarchal structures of Zimbabwe's society to be the cause for the perpetuation of sexual abuse

Tsitsi Dangarembga is an internationally acclaimed writer, and she has some famous works including Nervous Conditions (1988), The Book of Not (2006), This Mournable Body (2018. All of them talk about how women in Zimbabwe struggle with discrimination. She further states that the patriarchal mindset of the people in power makes sexual abuse prevalent in the country. She expresses her frustration regarding the ones in power being old privileged white men who feel the right to only use women's bodies for joy and other benefits. Novelist Tsitsi talks about girls the age of 12, having offered sex in exchange for some vegetables to feed her family. 


A report released in 2020 revealed a trend of men in power abusing their position to sexually exploit those reliant upon that power. An estimated 57.5% have been coerced to give any form of sexual favour as a form of bribe to access a basic service. These cases go unreported as the ones in power are mostly men. 
