The Hidden Face of War in Ukraine

The Hidden Face of War in Ukraine


Camilla Souza

Women’s Rights Researcher, 

Global Human Rights Defence.

Beyond the bombings, civilian casualties, shortages, and all the suffering of armed conflicts, there are also harsh consequences far from the line of fire and which involve a direct violation of human rights, especially women's rights. 

Women and children pay one of the heaviest tolls of armed conflict: they are often captured by criminal networks for sexual, labour, or other forms of exploitation. 

Last Thursday, the Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) warned of the risk of being trafficked at a time when the flow of refugees into Europe is experiencing a surge. GRETA said that some three million people have been forced to flee Ukraine in the last three weeks, and 90% of them are women and minors.

Helga Gayer, President of GRETA, said: “Public officials and civil society organizations in countries receiving Ukrainian refugees must be alerted to the risks of human trafficking and exploitation. Urgent steps must be taken to strengthen coordination at border crossings and reception facilities and to ensure the accurate registration of refugees and their access to necessary documentation, residence permits, and essential services.”

“People fleeing war are physically and psychologically weakened, unfamiliar with their new surroundings, and highly vulnerable to falling prey to criminals. Structures receiving refugees must ensure that they are informed of their rights, in a language they can understand, and provided with psychological and material support. The authorities must take steps to prevent fraudulent offers of transportation, accommodation, and work, and strengthen safety protocols for unaccompanied children, linking them to national child protection systems,” she added.

Experts agree that the higher the vulnerability, the higher the chances of becoming a victim of trafficking. For this reason, they see it as essential that transit and destination countries, as part of their obligation of due diligence, take all necessary measures to prevent serious human rights violations, detect situations of human trafficking and protect potential victims.

Sources and Further Reading:

GRETA. States must act urgently to protect refugees fleeing Ukraine from human trafficking<

GRETA. Guidance Note on the entitlement of victims of trafficking, and persons at risk of being trafficked, to international protection <

UNICEF. Children fleeing war in Ukraine at heightened risk of trafficking and exploitation < >

NPR. The 1.5 million children who fled Ukraine are at risk of human trafficking <