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Pink Buses in Islamabad Empower Pakistani Women

Photo source: By Steve Johnson via Pexels, June 24th, 2024.


Hannah Wohlbold

Women’s Rights Researcher,

Global Human Rights Defence.


In August, the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, introduced “pink buses” to provide a safe and secure means of public transport for women in the city. The buses can only be used by women and the staff, apart from the driver, are also female. They are a significant step towards improving the mobility and safety of women in the capital’s public space. The initiative was originally launched in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, and has now been extended to the city of Islamabad due to the positive response.

The introduction of these buses in Islamabad is a response to the ongoing challenges faced by women. Harassment and violence on public transport is a widespread problems in Pakistan, forcing many women to give up their mobility or choose unsafe alternatives. The “Pink Buses” are designed to combat these abuses and give women the freedom to move in public spaces safely and without fear.

In addition to being a means of improving safety, the Pink Buses can also be seen as a symbol of recognition of the specific needs of women in society. They ensure that women are better able to go about their daily tasks, whether it is for work, education or other commitments, without the constant fear of harassment. This is a crucial step in promoting gender equality and empowering women in Pakistan. They also provide employment opportunities for Pakistani women, according to a 17-year-old ticket conductor in Karachi, whose parents have not given her permission to work elsewhere for safety reasons (DW, 2024).

The need for such measures is underlined by the experiences of many women who avoid public transport because they feel unsafe. The Pink Buses provide a much-needed alternative and can serve as a model for other initiatives in other cities and regions of Pakistan. They send a signal that women’s safety and rights are being taken seriously and that concrete steps are being taken to improve their situation.

Unlike Karachi, Islamabad’s bus timetables are currently organised around school hours. This is to ensure that female students and teachers can get to and from school safely. Of course, women also rely on public transport in other areas of life. The introduction of pink buses in Islamabad is an encouraging step forward. However, it is hoped that such initiatives will continue to be expanded and supported in order to create a safer and fairer society for all in the long term.


Sources and Further Readings:

DLF Nova. (2024, August 8). Schutz vor Belästigung: Pinke Busse sollen Frauen in Pakistan sicher nach Hause bringen. Deutschlandfunk Nova. Accessed 14 August 2024.

dpa. (2024, August 8). Sicherer Transport für Frauen: Pakistans Hauptstadt führt neue Buslinie für weibliche Fahrgäste ein. Tagesspiegel. Accessed 14 August 2024.

  1. (2024, February 29). Pakistan’s “pink buses”: A safe space for women. Deutsche Welle. Accessed 14 August 2024.

Mayer, O. (2023, September 18). Pakistan: Der Pink-Bus für Frauen. Das Erste. Accessed 14 August 2024.

News desk. (2023, February 2). ‘First-ever’ women-only Pink Bus Service Launched. Pakistan Observer. Accessed 14 August 2024.

The Newspaper’s Staff Reporter. (2024, August 7). Pink Bus Service launched for women commuters in Islamabad. DAWN. Accessed 14 August 2024.

Web Desk. (2024, August 7). Govt introduces new Pink Bus services in Islamabad. Aaj English TV. Accessed 14 August 2024.

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