Valentina Palcovicova
South and East Asia Researcher,
Global Human Rights Defence.
Violence against women and girls is an endemic throughout Pakistan, that is manifested in various forms such as rape, murder, acid attacks, domestic violence, and forced marriages.
In September 2020, nationwide protests erupted in Pakistan which demanded police reform after the Lahore Police chief blamed a woman who had been gang-raped on a highway in Punjab, suggesting that she was at fault for travelling “without her husband’s permission” late at night. This statement, which can be regarded as victim blaming, fuelled anger across the country, highlighting the systemic issues in law enforcement and deep-seated cultural attitudes that perpetuate violence against women. Moreover, Noor Mukadam was brutally tortured and murdered in July 2021. This further intensified the national conversation around gender-based violence, bringing the pervasive problem to the forefront of national discourse.
Noor Mukadam, a 27-year-old woman from Islamabad, was killed by Zahir Jaffer, a member of an influential family, after she refused his marriage proposal. While her case gained widespread attention due to the status and wealth of those involved, it highlighted the systemic violence faced by countless women across Pakistan, many of whom suffer in silence, their stories unheard and unseen. The public outcry following her murder highlighted the deeply rooted issues of gender-based violence in the country.
According to the Ministry of Human Rights, nearly 28 percent of women in Pakistan between the ages of 15 to 49 have faced physical violence at some point in their lives. This statistic, based on the 2017-2018 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, underscores the alarming prevalence of domestic abuse across the country. A review by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of domestic violence in Pakistan from 2008 to 2018 further emphasised that much of this abuse occurs within marriage and remains largely unreported, as cultural norms often condone such behaviour and deter women from seeking help.
The normalisation of violence against women is embedded in societal structures in Pakistan, and the state’s response to addressing these issues has been inconsistent. While laws exist to combat gender-based violence, for instance the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act of 2006, the Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act of 2011, enforcement remains weak. This leads to many cases being unreported due to pressures and stigmatisation created by society. Furthermore, the failure of Pakistan’s Parliament to pass the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill in 2021, conveys the tension between legislative reform and the traditional interpretations of religious and cultural norms.
In July 2021, Pakistan’s Parliament failed to pass a bill which sought to criminalise domestic violence. The legislation was referred to the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), a body that is responsible for ensuring laws are consistent with Islamic teachings. The CII criticised the bill, alleging that it contained provisions that went against Islamic injunctions and could undermine the institution of family. This criticism reflects a broader challenge in reconciling women’s rights with conservative views on family and gender roles.
Until there is stronger legal commitment to protecting women, combined with societal changes, the legal system will continue to fall short in providing justice for victims of abuse and violence.
Despite growing awareness of the plight of women in Pakistan, tangible progress remains limited. Cases like Noor Mukadam’s, while highly publicised, represent just a fraction of the violence that occurs across the country. Countless women, particularly those from marginalised or less affluent backgrounds, continue to suffer without recourse or recognition.
Sources and Further Readings:
Shumaila Jaffery. (2022, February 24). Noor Muqaddam: Diplomat’s daughter beheaded for spurning proposal. BBC News. Noor Muqaddam: Diplomat’s daughter beheaded for spurning proposal (bbc.com). Accessed 21 November 2024.
Hamid Riaz. (2024, February 26). The Domestic Violence Bill will destroy the institution of family, CII. VoicePk. Domestic Violence Bill will destroy the institution of family, CII – Voicepk.net. Accessed 21 November 2024.
Human Rights Watch. (2021, January 13). Pakistan Events of 2020. World Report 2021: Pakistan | Human Rights Watch (hrw.org). Accessed 21 November 2024.
Senate of Pakistan. (2021). Report of the Standing Committee on Human Rights on the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill. National Report on the Status of Women in Pakistan – A Summary | Publications | UN Women – Pakistan. Accessed 21 November 2024.
World Health Organization. (2024, March 25). Violence against women. World Health Organization. Violence against women (who.int). Accessed 21 November 2024.