Online Searches for “Ukrainian Porn” or “Refugee Porn” Surge as War Rages On

Online Searches for “Ukrainian Porn” or “Refugee Porn” Surge as War Rages On

Date: 1-02-2022

Emily Wolfe 

Europe and Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

The world is facing an alarming rise in the production and distribution of Ukrainian "refugee porn," – according to the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, who have documented an explosion in online searches for sexual content related to Ukrainian women and girls. (Euronews, 2023)

The term "refugee porn" refers to sexually explicit material that is produced and distributed featuring women and children who are refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. These individuals are often vulnerable and have limited access to resources, making them easy targets for exploitation. Depending on the country, corresponding searches for keywords such as "escort," "porn," or "rape" together with the word "Ukrainian" increased by 600 per cent after the conflict began in February 2022, while “Ukraine refugee porn” emerged as a trending search (OSCE, 2023).

The Ukrainian government has launched a special task force to investigate and track down individuals involved in this illegal and inhumane act. The production and distribution of such material not only violates human rights, but is illegal under Ukrainian law, carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison (Euronews, 2023).

The issue of refugee porn in Ukraine is not a new one, but it has been on the rise in recent years and has increased dramatically due to the ongoing conflict in the country – creating a population of vulnerable individuals, largely women and children, who are at risk of exploitation, including sexual exploitation. (The Independent, 2023)

The problem of refugee porn is a complex and challenging one that requires a multi-faceted approach to address. The Ukrainian government must work to strengthen its laws and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Additionally, the government must provide support and resources to the affected individuals, including medical and psychological assistance, legal representation, and access to justice.

The international community also has a role to play in addressing this issue. International organizations must provide support and resources to the Ukrainian government to help combat the problem of refugee porn. This can include providing funding for law enforcement efforts, providing support to affected individuals, and raising awareness about the issue.

Sources and further reading:

 Leistner, A. (2023, January 17). 'Ukraine refugee porn' raises risks for women fleeing the War. Euronews. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from  

Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. (2023). (rep.). Recommendations on enhancing efforts to identify and mitigate risks of trafficking in human beings online as a result of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine (pp. 1–3). Vienna. 

The Independent. (2022, July 27). Online searches for 'Ukrainian refugee porn' and 'Ukrainian rape' surge 300%. The Independent. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from