Mauritius policies fail to properly address the gender-gap and drug issues

Mauritius policies fail to properly address the gender-gap and drug issues
Matthew T Rader/Unsplash via

Even though Mauritius has been known for its good governance and human development, its policies fail to properly address gender gap and drug issues on the island, especially regarding women users. According to an ISS Africa article “Male drug users are more likely to find low-skill jobs than women, predominantly due to the gender gap in Mauritius's labor market.”

Mauritius has one of the highest rates of drug use per capita in Africa, drugs such as heroin have a very high percentage of users, especially between women. Mauritius policies are foremost punitive and do not lead to a significant change in drug consumption as well as not developing social policies in response to the issue. 


Chelin, Richard (2021)Mauritius: The Perfect Imbalance of Gender and Drug Policies” ISS Africa 12 May 2021 <> 

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