Luxembourg Needs a Round-the-Clock National Helpline and Gender-Inclusive Risk Assessment to Combat Violence Against Women

Luxembourg Needs a Round-the-Clock National Helpline and Gender-Inclusive Risk Assessment to Combat Violence Against Women
Luxembourg by Stephen Downes via Flickr


Sofía Medina Sánchez 

International Justice and Human Rights Researcher 

Global Human Rights Defence 

On the 10th of July 2023, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) issued its first report on Luxembourg, welcoming the “resolute measures” taken by the authorities the past 20 years to halt domestic violence. 

This report highlighted the importance of Luxembourg’s regulation on domestic violence of 2003, which established protocols for the eviction of perpetrators and a comprehensive support system for victims of domestic violence. However, GREVIO criticises the lack of a definition of violence against women and the lack of attention paid to other forms of violence against women, beyond domestic violence. 

Additionally, the report highlights the absence of a nationwide, round-the-clock helpline specifically designed for women who have experienced violence, operating in close collaboration with NGOs specializing in addressing violence against women and domestic violence. GREVIO strongly urges Luxembourg's authorities to establish a dedicated 24/7 helpline, exclusively catering to women affected by gender-based violence, taking into consideration the knowledge and proficiency accumulated by specialized services and establishing meaningful connections with them.

Sources and Further Reading: 

Council of Europe, Newsroom, Luxembourg needs a 24/7 national specialist helpline and gender-sensitive risk assessment to counter violence against women, 10 July 2023

Council of Europe Portal, Media Release, Ref. DC 165(2023)- Luxembourg needs a 24/7 national specialist helpline and gender-sensitive risk assessment to counter violence against women – among findings in new report- Strabourg 10.07.2023