A new policy brief from ILO finds there will be 13 million fewer women in employment in 2021 compared to 2019, while men’s employment will have recovered to 2019 levels. Only 43.2% of the world’s working-age women will be employed in 2021, compared to 68.6% of working-age men. During the pandemic, women faired considerably better in countries that took measures to prevent them from losing their jobs and allowed them to re-enter employment as early as possible. The brief emphasizes that “building forward fairer” means placing gender equality at the core of the recovery effort and putting in place gender-responsive strategies.
For further information, please visit: https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_813449/lang–en/index.htm
Fewer women than men will regain employment during the COVID-19 recovery says International Labour Organization (ILO).
