World News

World Summit Against Forced Organ Harvesting: An Alarm to Humankind


Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, DAFOH, a leading medical ethics NGO, today announced on behalf of the co-hosting five organizations from the U.S., Europe and Asia the World Summit on Combating and  Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting, a series of online webinars to take place between Sept 17-26, 2021.

A group of international experts will discuss the abusive practice from medical, legal, political, news media, civil society and policy-making perspectives to elaborate on the impact of the atrocity of forced organ harvesting on humankind. The event organizers also announce the launch of a declaration that will be presented to the public at the end of the World Summit.

IACHR condemns Ecuador for the arbitrary dismissal of a military after he had denounced State’s Human Rights Violations.

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