World News

The Roma, a vulnerable minority group in the context of the global pandemic


The civil society urges European Union member states to ensure that the Roma community has access to vaccination and is not left behind. At the moment, Slovakia is the only country within the European Union that acknowledges this minority as an at-risk group throughout its vaccination campaign even though, according to Euronews, Roma people are more likely to suffer from heart-related diseases, diabetes, and pneumonia, among others. Romania, Italy, Serbia, and Hungary all have significant Roma populations. In Romania, 50 % of the Roma people over the age of 45 suffer from disabilities or chronic diseases. This makes them more vulnerable in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Several factors add to their vulnerability. The limited access to health care represents one, and it is a consequence of inadequate national identification. Then, a significant number of people within the Roma community are illiterate and lack digital skills. This is an obstacle in terms of the vaccination campaign that is conducted mainly on digital platforms. Lastly, Euronews reports a high distrust among the Roma people regarding public institutions, making the vaccination process more difficult for the authorities.

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