The Local Democracy in Turkey is “generally degrading” says Congress

The Local Democracy in Turkey is “generally degrading” says Congress
Photo by Council of Europe on Flickr


Manon Picard

International Justice and Human Rights Researcher, 

Global Human Rights Defence.

The Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities published a Report on the 23rd of March 2022 regarding its monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Turkey. The Congress visited Turkey in November 2019 and December 2021 to collect the information necessary to prepare the Report. 

The Congress in its Report concluded that there was a “generally degrading situation” with regard to the local democracy in Turkey. It was noted that Turkey had made little progress about implementing the Congress’ previous recommendations regarding its local elected representatives with some elected candidates being refused their electoral posts. Moreover, the Report stated that the governor’s “double function as a State agent and a chairman of the provincial executive committee” was contrary to the Charter. Nonetheless, the Congress welcomed the strong interest in the turnout, over 84%, in Turkey’s local election in 2019 which was considered one of the highest rates amongst the Council of Europe. 

The report called on the Turkish authorities to take certain actions to be in full compliance with the Charter provisions. Firstly, to modify the legal definition of “terrorism” which, as it currently stands, is overly broad. Secondly, to respect human rights and democracy by ceasing the “current practice of the removal of mayors without court decisions”. Thirdly, to ensure that candidates who won local or governmental elections be appointed to their jobs with the aim of carrying out their mandate. Lastly, to limit the powers of the governor as single agent and no longer as a double agent. 

Despite some of the progress made by Turkey regarding the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the Congress will “continue to monitor closely the situation of local democracy in Turkey and will undertake the strengthening of its political dialogue with Turkish national authorities”. 

Sources and further reading:

Council of Europe. (2022, March 24). Congress Highlights “generally degrading situation” of Local Democracy in Turkey. Newsroom – Council of Europe. Retrieved March 25, 2022, from

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. (2022, March 23). Report - Monitoring of the Application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Turkey.