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The Father Who Abused His 15-year-old Daughter, Who Was Released After His Lawyer’s Scandalous Defence, Was Arrested Again



Nil Başgezer

Women’s Rights Researcher 

Global Human Rights Defence

Gökmen K., who was arrested after being caught red-handed while sexually abusing his 15-year-old daughter, R.K., in a car in Bursa, Türkiye, was released when the daughter changed her testimony during the prosecutor’s investigation, but arrested again in the first hearing of the case against him with a demand of up to 30 years in prison. The court decided to take R.K. under legal protection after deciding that she changed her testimony under pressure (T24, 2024).

Gendarmerie teams on patrol in İnegöl district in April last year caught Gökmen K., who allegedly had oral intercourse with his daughter, red-handed in the parked car they checked on suspicion. Gökmen K., who pulled up his trousers and closed his zip when he saw the security forces in front of him, said, “What did I do? God damn me, commander, let us go. Nothing like this will ever happen again.”

After the incident, R.K., whose statement was taken in the presence of a pedagogue as a victim, said: “My father was pressuring me saying ‘I will go to another woman’. I accepted his offer of a sexual relationship because I was afraid of the breakup of my family. He used to bring me to an empty field by car before. Finally we were caught,” she said.

During the prosecutor’s investigation, the 15-year-old  daughter said, “The statement I gave before is not true. My father was pressurising me at home. He did not want me to go out. I had to tell such a lie when we were caught” (Haberler, 2024).

During this investigation process, a shocking defence came from the lawyer. The trial of Gökmen K., who was charged with ‘sexual abuse of a child’ with a prison sentence of up to 30 years at İnegöl second High Criminal Court, started. Taking the floor at the hearing where Gökmen K. denied the accusations, defence lawyer Sedat Gülen said, “My client faced this accusation because he was seen pulling his zip that day.” Lawyer Gülen said, “His daughter told the truth later. In addition, considering that such an incident occurred, it does not constitute an offence considering that the victim is over 15 years old and has consented. Therefore, I demand the acquittal of my client” (T24, 2024).

Sources and further readings:

Evrensel. (2024, June 22). 15 yaşındaki kızına istismarda bulunan Gökmen K, tutuklandı. Evrensel. 

Haberler. (2024, June 22). Kızı ifade değiştirince tahliye olan istismarcı baba, ilk duruşmada tekrar tutuklandı. Haberler. 

T24. (2024, June 23). 15 yaşındaki kızını istismar eden ‘baba’nın avukatından skandal savunma: Rızası var, suç yok. T24.,1170663 

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