The Comoros’ G10 advocates in favor of realising political prisoners

The Comoros’ G10 advocates in favor of realising political prisoners

La Gazette des Comores

In a meeting with the press, the Comoros’ G10 - a group of parties of the presidential majority declared their desire to continue dialogue with all the Comorians, especially the opposition. According to Mohamed Abdouloihabi, presidente of the G10, this dialogue should not be a speech but it is necessary to take actions both at the level of the parties power and the opposition, starting with the release of all political  prisoners. 

To the G10, this dialogue is only possible if there is sincerity on both sides. The former president of Ngazidja calls on the authorities to put forward concrete proposals in order to make the dialogue one hundred per cent possible and effective. “To begin with, we must release by presidential pardon all political prisoners''.


MOHAMED, Ibnou. Le G10 est pour le dialogue inter-comorien, mais préconise la libération des prisonniers politiques | La Gazette Des Comores. (2021).,-mais-pr%C3%A9conise-la-lib%C3%A9ration-des-prisonniers-politiques-.html