Ten Arrested for Attack on Ahmadiyya Mosque

Ten Arrested for Attack on Ahmadiyya Mosque

SOURCE : https://jakartaglobe.id/news/ten-arrested-for-attack-on-ahmadiyya-mosque-in-kalimantan

Indonesian Police arrested at least ten people accused of vandalizing an Ahmadiyya mosque in the district of Sintang, West Kalimantan Province. A group called Muslim Alliance (Aliansi Umat Islam) attacked Miftahul Huda mosque on Friday 3rd after the local government closed down the mosque, leaving the building damaged and a shed behind it on flame.

Around 200 people use stones, bamboo sticks and sledge hammers to break the windows while some police and Indonesian Military personnel stand by passively. 

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued an edict on Ahmadiyya twice, labelling the group as non-Islam and its followers as apostates. Indonesian Ahmadis are often evicted from their homes and targeted in violent attacks.