Prosecutor Discloses Expert Reports to Defense Counsel Of Félicien Kabuga

Prosecutor Discloses Expert Reports to Defense Counsel Of Félicien Kabuga


The Prosecution in the trial against Félicien Kabuga notified the Trial Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) the disclosure of the reports and curriculum vitae of four experts witnesses. The first expert witness is Evariste Ntakirutimana, Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of Rwanda. Her report concerns the meaning and use of certain lexical and syntagmatic units in Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines which was a Rwandan radio station that broadcast and allegedly played a significant role in inciting the Rwandan genocide that took place from April to July 1994. The second expert witness is Jean-François Dupaquier, journalist and author/co-author of multiple publications on the genocide in Rwanda. The third expert witness is Binaifer Nowrojee, Vice-President at Open Society Foundations who will testify on sexual violence crimes during the Rwandan Genocide. The fourth expert report to be filed is from Alison des Forges, the late senior advisor at Human Rights Watch. For further information, please visit: