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Pakistan Heads For Early Elections Amidst Prime Minister’s No-Confidence Move


Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan has dissolved the Pakistani parliament in a step towards early elections following an attempt to remove him from office. His actions come after parliament’s deputy speaker refused to hold a vote of no-confidence that Khan was expected to lose. Khan claims the United States is leading a conspiracy to remove him from office because of his criticism of US policy and foreign policy decisions he himself has taken. However, opposition leaders ridiculed this allegation from Khan and the United States has denied it. Khan made a visit to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin despite him launching a full scale invasion of Ukraine. It’s worth mentioning Khan has also previously criticised the United States “War on Terror”. BBC Secunder Kermani says Khan is widely regarded as having come to power with the help of Pakistan’s military but now says they have fallen out. Khan’s political opponents seized the opportunity to demand a no-confidence vote after persuading a number of his coalition partners to change sides.  The Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry told ministers that Pakistani officials had been told of “an operation for a regime change by a foreign government”. Chaudhry said this went against the constitution and the deputy speaker chairing the session, proceeded to declare the vote unconstitutional (BBC, 2022).

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