Nicaragua: Inter-American Commission of Human Rights grants precautionary measures in favour of the defence attorney of ‘political prisoners’ and his family.

Nicaragua: Inter-American Commission of Human Rights grants precautionary measures in favour of the defence attorney of ‘political prisoners’ and his family.
Photo by Jorge Mejía Peralta via Filckr


Patricio Trincado Vera

International Justice and Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

In its resolution 58/2022, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested the state of Nicaragua to adopt the necessary precautionary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Mr. E.A.G.A. and his family. 

E.A.G.A. is a member of different social organisations that promote the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in Nicaragua. Political sectors affiliated to the government have characterised these organisations as financiers of the “failed coup d'etat” of 2018. Mr. E.A.G.A. participated in the protests of that year, and since then he has been subjected to harassment and threats. 

The situation worsened in 2021 when he assumed the role of defence attorney of the so-called ‘political prisoners’. Among this group there are an ex-presidential candidate, an ex minister of foreign affairs, and other defence attorneys. Since June 2021, mr. E.A.G.A has been receiving phone calls by unidentified people once or twice a week threatening him. Also, he has been subjected to constant surveillance in his house and his office by police authorities and people dressed as civilians. These measures have not only been directed at him, but also at his children, since police surveillance has also been deployed in the school that they attend.  

The Commission requested information about these facts to the state of Nicaragua on the 31st of August 2022. As of the date of the resolution 58/2022, no response was received. 

Against this background, the Commission granted precautionary measures, requesting Nicaragua to adopt the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of E.A.G.A. and his family. To that effect, the state must ensure that its agents will respect the life and personal integrity of the beneficiary and his family, as well as protect their rights from third parties’ action. Article 25 of the Commissions’ Rules of Procedure states that the Commission can request precautionary measures that concern serious and urgent situations that present a risk of irreparable harm. 

Sources and Further Reading: 

Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (2022, November 17). La CIDH otorga medidas cautelares a favor de E.A.G.A. y su núcleo familiar en Nicaragua. Inter-American Commission of Human Rights Press releases. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from  

Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (2022, October 26). Resolución 58/22. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from 

Reglamento Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from