Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf al-Wefalli was a high-ranking member of the Libyan National Army. He was born in 1978 and graduated from the country’s military college in 2000. Between his graduation and 2014, he was a member of the al-Saiqa unit. He then joined the rebels, and from 2015 onwards, he became a regional commander and was in charge of a detention centre. He is, as per an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant, responsible for the death of at least 33 persons in the period of June 2016 – July 2017. He was not personally involved in each killing, but in so far that he either killed them himself or ordered their execution. The ICC notes that the persons killed were detained, and were either civilians or persons hors de combat, meaning they were not involved in active military activities at the time of their executions. The Geneva Conventions specifically protect these individuals, and breaching those provisions results in acts of war. It is described that the executions, which took place over at least 7 incidents, were exceptionally cruel, degrading and dehumanising.