Lack of Action Surrounding Sexual Abuse Cases in Sao Tome and Principe

Lack of Action Surrounding Sexual Abuse Cases in Sao Tome and Principe

In Sao Tome and Principe there is a huge problem of sexual abuse of children (Tela Non 2021). The case of a young girl who was raped several times starting when she was 11 by a friend of the family highlighted the inefficiency of justice regarding sexual violence (Tela Non 2021). Medical tests on the girls proved that she has been raped but the file has been closed because of a lack of proof (Tela Non 2021). Ailton Rodrigues contacted the press as well as the minister of justice to obtain justice for his daughter (Tela Non 2021). The father explained that this case is a good example of the indifference from justice toward sexual abuse of children in Sao Tome and Principe (Tela Non 2021).


Tela Non (2021, May 25). “Abuso sexual de menores tribunal e denunciado por arquivamento de processo crime”.