Labour exploitation in Northern Europe

Labour exploitation in Northern Europe

In recent years, close attention has been paid to cases of migrant exploitation in Southern European states, especially in sectors such as agriculture and food production. A case study published by the Open Society Foundation has highlighted that such phenomenon extends to Northern Europe as well. 

The study investigates the working conditions of migrant workers in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. It concluded that migrants constitute a structural component of the agri-food production in those countries. Mostly non-EU and EU seasonal workers, migrants are often subject to abusive and exploitative labour practices. 

The study points out the role of industries, large retailers and international buying groups as central in generating demand for low-wage, flexible and exploitable migrant labour force. To address such issue, the study stresses on the need for a comprehensive approach that takes into account migration and labour policies, value chain dynamics, agricultural policies and rural development.

Source: southern-europe 

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