Iraq, First Middle Eastern Country to Join the UN Water Convention

Iraq, First Middle Eastern Country to Join the UN Water Convention
Photo by Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center via Wikimedia Commons


Bilge Ece Zeyrek

Middle East and Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

The United Nations Water Conference was held in New York City on 22-24 March 2023. Around 10,000 individuals gathered at the United Nations Headquarters and online for three days to address the pressing issue of the water and sanitation crisis and to promote equitable access to these resources for all. [1] This diverse group of participants included leaders from various fields, such as government, civil society, business, academia, youth, scientists, and the UN System. Their common goal was to collaborate on achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims to attain water and sanitation for all by 2030 and to advance progress across all the SDGs.

On 24 March, Iraq achieved a historic milestone, becoming the first Middle Eastern nation to accede to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, also known as the UN Water Convention. [2] The Convention is a unique binding tool that promotes the sustainable utilization of shared water resources, helps achieve the SDGs, averts conflicts, and encourages peace and regional unity. [3]

The accession of Iraq to the UN Water Convention is an important step for the country and the region, considering the shared water resources and water scarcity. The Tigris and Euphrates River basins are crucial sources of surface water for a population of 237 million people across Iraq (43.5 million), Iran (88 million), Syria (21 million), and Türkiye (85 million). [4] Rola Abdullah Dashti, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), highlighted that about 50 million people in the Arab world lack access to essential drinking water, while nearly 90% of the region's total population, or around 390 million individuals, reside in countries experiencing water scarcity. [5] She continued that water plays a critical role in the region's prosperity. Still, it also poses potential threats of instability and conflict, jeopardizing water security, food security, overall development, and quality of life. Therefore, ensuring water diplomacy between countries is a crucial matter.

Abdul Latif Rashid, the President of Iraq, stressed the significance of expediting advancement in water collaboration and optimizing the management of existing water resources by countries that share them. He urged all nations to join the UN Conventions on the Law of the Use of International Watercourses for Non-navigational Purposes and the Water Convention. [6] After the Conference, more than 20 countries have started the process of accession to the UN Water Convention. [7]

Sources and Further Reading

[1] Historic UN 2023 Water Conference generates transformative commitments. (2023, March 27). UN Water.

[2] Iraq’s accession to UN Water Convention opens new opportunities to strengthen transboundary water cooperation in the Middle East. (2023, March 24). UN Iraq.

[3] About the Water Convention. (n.d.). UNECE.

[4] UN Iraq. (2023, March 24) from [2]

[5] United Nations Water Conference. (2023, March 24). Arab Region joint commitment to accelerate achievement of water security for sustainable development  (Side Event).

[6] Iraqi President calls for cooperation in managing water resources at UN conference. (2023, March 24). Shafaq News.

[7] UN Iraq. (2023, March 24) from [2]