Given the escalating situation of social protests that have been occurring in Colombia since 28th May 2021, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights has asked the permission of the Government of Colombia to conduct a local investigation in the country. There have been many complaints of individuals and organizations in Colombia about human rights violations related to the excessive of use force by law-enforcement agents against civilians during the protests. The reports of the Commission mention that several people have been killed or gone missing, that demonstrators have been subjected to sexual violence, torture, and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, that rights defenders have suffered abuse, and that indigenous persons have been attacked. The IACHR also has been informed about incidents involving the depredation of State property and vandalism against police officers. Given this current situation and because of the numerous requests of civil society, social movements, student movements, academics, legal experts, and political representatives asking for an observation visit, the IACHR decided to demand this visit. It plans to meet with State authorities, with broad sectors of civil society, with victims of rights violations, and with other relevant actors to discuss the human rights situation in the country. For further information, please visit: