Inter-American Commission of Human Rights urges Venezuela to guarantee the rights of LGBTI people.

Inter-American Commission of Human Rights urges Venezuela to guarantee the rights of LGBTI people.

Source: The Campaign to change direction - 

Given the lack of protective public policies and laws to secure the basic rights of LGBTI people in Venezuela, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) has urged the Venezuelan authorities to take concrete measures to acknowledge the rights of this community in the country as well as eradicate the structural discrimination, violence and vulnerability which these people need to deal with on their daily routines. A few months ago, the IACHR received complaints of civil society organisations concerning the absence of governmental mechanisms to record acts of violence committed against LGBTI people. The IACHR has also commented about other complaints of civil society organisations in regards to the lack of proceedings to guarantee the right to gender identity to transgender people, which affects their capacity to exercise other rights, such as the right to have their chosen name in their documents. Finally, the IACHR has called Venezuela to address the discrimination against LGBTI people through inclusive public policies that foster a more plural and tolerant society. For further information, please visit (In Spanish):