The IACHR and the UN South America regional office urged the Brazilian Government to enhance and secure the protection of the indigenous communities Yanomami and Munduruku in the country. Both entities stressed the State’s international and domestic obligation to preserve the right to territorial integrity, the right to life and the right to land and to natural resources of these people. Given the situation of extreme violence against indigenous people provoked by the expansion of illegal economic activities, such as illegal mining and deforestation, the IACHR and the UN office became aware of numerous deaths of indigenous people in the north of Brazil. On 10th May 2021, minors opened fire against the Palimiú community in the State of Roraima, victimizing two children of 1 and 5 years old. Likewise, 5 days after that, a female association of the community Munduruku Wakoborûn was attacked in the city of Jacareacanga in the State of Pará. For further information, please visit:
Inter-American Commission of Human Rights urges Brazil to guarantee the protection of traditional indigenous communities.
