Inter-American Commission of Human Rights informs about the recent agreement regarding the case Fazenda Ubá do Brasil.

Inter-American Commission of Human Rights informs about the recent agreement regarding the case Fazenda Ubá do Brasil.

On 9th August 2021, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights communicated its approval and publication of the agreement between the State of Brazil and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) settled in 2010. CEJIL lodged a petition before the Inter-American Commission in 2000 claiming the international responsibility of the State of Brazil for the assassination of several rural workers in the municipality of Ubá in the State of Pará in 1985, in addition to the breach of their fundamental rights, including the right to judicial protection. In 2010, Brazil acknowledged its responsibility for the murders of the victims and for the disrespect regarding their right to judicial protection. Furthermore, the agreement also lists numerous measures to secure the payment of financial redresses to the victims, legal measures to guarantee the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the killings as well as the inclusion of the victims’ families in programmes and projects of social assistance. For further information, please visit: (In Spanish)

Source: Front Line Defenders -