Forging an Ethical Alliance: Upholding Human Rights in the EU-India Strategic Partnership

Forging an Ethical Alliance: Upholding Human Rights in the EU-India Strategic Partnership
European Parliament Strasbourg, by Joan Amigo via Flickr, 2020


Alexandra Posta

East and South Asia Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

In the pursuit of enhancing cooperation and addressing shared global challenges, the European Union (EU) and India are dedicated to forging a strategic partnership that upholds fundamental human rights (ORF, 2023). While the focus remains on bolstering economic ties, both parties are committed to ensuring that these ties are ethically rooted in the protection and promotion of human rights and democratic values (ORF, 2023). Nevertheless, the path towards strengthened relations does face hurdles, including divergent preferences in free trade negotiations and concerns about human rights and democracy (ORF, 2023; Laksman, 13 July 2023; Canton, 15 July 2023). Overcoming these challenges while staying true to their commitment to human rights will be crucial in creating a partnership that genuinely benefits all stakeholders.

Recently, during a State visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Paris, a significant resolution passed by the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg demanded that India promptly address violence in Manipur and prioritize the protection of human rights and religious minorities (Laksman, 13 July 2023). The resolution also emphasized the importance of media and observer access in the region, along with an end to Internet shutdowns, to ensure transparency and accountability (Laksman, 13 July 2023; Canton, 15 July 2023). This stands as a clear indication of the EU's commitment to holding its partners accountable on human rights issues and promoting a rights-based approach to cooperation.

As discussions continue, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) express their concerns, highlighting not only the situation in Manipur but also broader human rights challenges in India (Laksman, 13 July 2023; Canton, 15 July 2023). They advocate for a more democratic approach that respects human rights within the context of EU-India partnerships and trade (Laksman, 13 July 2023). Finnish MEP Alviina Alametsa passionately brings attention to the growing restrictions on free expression in India, noting the rise in discrimination and arrests of journalists and activists (Laksman, 13 July 2023). Her emphasis on prioritizing human rights and democracy as central pillars in EU-India relations, including trade agreements, reflects the moral obligation to uphold universal human rights principles (Laksman, 13 July 2023).

In light of these critical developments, both the EU and India recognize that they hold a unique opportunity to not only enhance their partnership but also to become champions of human rights on the global stage (ORF, 2023). To fully realize the potential of their strategic collaboration, it is essential to strike a balance between diverse interests while placing human rights at the heart of their joint endeavors (ORF, 2023). By doing so, they can set a precedent for meaningful, rights-based partnerships that drive positive change and sustainable development for all.


  1. ORF. (2023). India and the European Union in 2030: Building a Closer Economic Relationship. Observer Research Foundation. Available at <>.
  2. Sriram Laksman. (13 July 2023). European Parliament asks India to act promptly to end Manipur violence. The Hundu. Available at <>.
  3. Naomi Canton. (15 July 2023). Manipur: MEPs threaten EU trade will be jeopardised if India does not respect human rights. The Times of India. Available at <>.