European States Must Protect Ukrainian Refugees from Human Trafficking

European States Must Protect Ukrainian Refugees from Human Trafficking
Photo by Matt Brown on Flickr


Manon Picard

International Justice and Human Rights Researcher, 

Global Human Rights Defence.

The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has warned of the “dangers of people fleeing the armed conflict in Ukraine falling victim to human trafficking and exploitation”. This warning comes after the armed conflict in Ukraine has forced around three million people to flee Ukraine, the biggest refugee flow in Europe since World War II. This is all the more worrying considering that the majority of Ukrainian refugees, 90%, are composed of women and children.

Journalists and civil society organisations were the first to give out the warning of suspected human trafficking cases. Reports have stated that traffickers are specifically targeting children who are not accompanied by their parents. Non-governmental organisations in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries have warned Ukrainian refugees of the risk of trafficking and who to contact and seek help from if they find themselves in this situation. The President of GRETA, Helga Gayer, stated the following:

“Public officials […] in countries receiving Ukrainian refugees must be alerted to the risks of human trafficking and exploitation. Urgent steps must be taken to strengthen coordination at border crossings and reception facilities and to ensure the accurate registration of refugees”.

In addition to the risk of human trafficking Ukrainian refugees face, women and girls also have an added risk of being subjected to sexual violence. This problem had been addressed by the Council of Europe’s Secretary General, Marija Pejčinović Burić, earlier this month. Taking in consideration the fact that more refugees are going to flee Ukraine from the ongoing armed conflict, there is hope that neighboring countries and non-governmental organisations take all the necessary steps to protect Ukrainian refugees from human trafficking.

Sources and further reading:

Council of Europe. (2022, March 17). Human Trafficking Experts: States Must Urgently Protect Refugees Fleeing Ukraine. Newsroom – Council of Europe. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from