ECRI Publishes its Report on Liechtenstein: Commendable Progress and New Concerns

ECRI Publishes its Report on Liechtenstein: Commendable Progress and New Concerns
Government House of Liechtenstein in Vaduz © Lonesome Crow, May 31st, 2009, via


Burak Tahsin Bahce

International Justice and Human Rights Researcher,

Global Human Rights Defence

On March 12th, 2024, the Council of Europe Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its report on Liechtenstein. The report was prepared as a part of the 6th Monitoring Cycle of the Commission, and is based on a follow-up review of previous recommendations. 

The report exemplifies the positive effects that monitoring activities can have on the country in question. In the report, the Commission warmly welcomed a number of positive developments since the previous evaluation. These include a new campaign as a preventive measure aimed at promoting tolerance and raising awareness of the general public against discrimination and hate speech, considerable legal developments strengthening LGBTI equality both before the Constitutional Court and the Parliament, as well as the establishment of a Victims Assistance Office that provides victims of hate crime  with various support and assistance. The Commission particularly commanded, in line with its previous recommendations, the Government's newly adopted Integration Strategy and its subsequently issued Action Plan, which includes a section on the promotion of equality and work against racism and discrimination, along with the goal of training and sensitising public officials on the national and municipal level about racism and discrimination.

Despite the observed progress in Liechtenstein, the Commission also pointed out some remaining concerns and made further recommendations. It expressed statutory independence risks of the Association for Human Rights with budget-related questions. It further noted that there are only a few institutions collecting equality data and even fewer publishing it. According to the report, it remains worrisome that there is no comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which also includes gender identity and sex characteristics as prohibited grounds of public incitement to hatred or discrimination. It further pointed out that there is no designated public sector office specifically dedicated to providing information, responding to migrants’ queries, or co-ordinating relevant services made available for migrants by different authorities and other actors.

To conclude, the report revealed both highly positive signs of progress, as well as concerns. However, it showcases a constructive dialogue between the ECRI and Luxembourg, and demonstrates how the Commission furthers international efforts to combat discrimination.

Sources and further reading:

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), ECRI REPORT ON LIECHTENSTEIN (sixth monitoring cycle) (Council of Europe 2024) <> accessed 13 March 2024.

COUNCIL OF EUROPE ANTI-RACISM COMMISSION (ECRI), ‘Liechtenstein should develop anti-discrimination legislation and better inform and support migrants’ (12 March 2024) <> accessed 13 March 2024.