Discrimination against LGBT+ members from religion group

Discrimination against LGBT+ members from religion group
Orange and black wooden temple, DEAR via Unsplash, 2007

Aysu Amaha Öztürk

Japan and Human Rights Researcher 

Global Human Rights Defence

On November 14th, a group named Shinto LGBTQ+ Liaison Committee protested the anti-LGBTQ+ attitude of the Shinto Political Federation on Twitter (Shinto LGBTQ+ Liaison Committee, 2022). In June 2022, a pamphlet containing discriminatory remarks regarding sexual minorities was distributed in a meeting that many legislators attended (Ito, 2022a). This pamphlet contained quotes from lectures given by Yang Sang Jin, a professor who claims that homosexuality is a disease or an addiction. Furthermore, it is known that this Federation is a group supporting the ruling Liberal Democratic Party; therefore, there are clear power relations between this federation and the government (Ito, 2022a).

Persons working in Shinto shrines have stated that they are afraid that the pamphlet looks like representing the opinion of all shrine workers and that they do not want to be complicit in this discriminatory act (Ito, 2022b). Others, namely shrine workers who are sexual minorities themselves have stated that they are free to practice their religion without discrimination (Gladxx, 2022).

Discrimination in Japan against sexual minorities and LGBT+ members is an ongoing human rights issue. As long as Japan allows these acts to happen under its jurisdiction, it will amount to a violation of Article 2 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), a covenant which Japan ratified in 1979,  which guarantees non-discrimination.

Sources and further reading:

National Geographic [@Shnto_lgbtq]. (2022, November 14). In June of this year, the Shinto Political Federation published a statement of opinion by volunteers from shrines and LGBTQ+ parties, in order to protest against the [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/shinto_lgbtq/status/1592113256776478721

Ito M. (2022a, November 15). ‘Shrine workers protest Shinto body’s anti-LGBT pamphlet.’ Asahi Shimbun. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14768713

Ito M. (2022b, November 15). ‘LGBTQ Discriminatory booklet at lawmakers meeting.’ Asahi Shimbun. https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQCG74K2QBPOIPE00S.html

Gladxx. (2022, November 15). ‘LGBTQ people working at a shirine presented their opinion to Shinreisen’ Gladxx. https://gladxx.jp/news/2022/11/8204.html

Human Rights Bodies. Ratification Status for Japan. United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies Database. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/TreatyBodyExternal/Treaty.aspx?CountryID=87&Lang=EN