Defending Akbelen Forest: Unyielding Activists in the Face of Ecocide

Defending Akbelen Forest: Unyielding Activists in the Face of Ecocide
Photo by Erwin Voortman via Unsplash


Bilge Ece Zeyrek

Middle East and Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

Akbelen Forest, located in the Muğla province of Türkiye, faces an imminent threat of destruction. YK Energy, a joint enterprise involving IC Holding and Limak Holding, known for having close ties with the government, planned to carry out deforestation in the 740-decare region of Akbelen Forest. [1] The objective was to extend a coal mine, providing lignite to the Yeniköy and Kemerköy thermal power plants. Despite all the efforts of the locals and activists over the past two years, on July 24, 2023, cutting teams entered the forest, intensifying the struggle and unleashing a series of clashes between vigilant locals, ecological activists, and security forces. [2]

The scene in Akbelen Forest has been marked by barricades set up by the authorities to prevent villagers and activists from accessing the area where the tree-cutting operations are taking place. This has resulted in repeated confrontations and harsh interventions from the gendarmerie, escalating tensions in the region. Despite the challenges they face, activists are not backing down and continue to call for support on both national and international scale to defend the threatened forest.

In a powerful video message, activists emphasised their struggle’s goal of ensuring a prosperous life for all living things, placing ecological preservation at the core of the democratic struggle. [3] Their call resonates with people worldwide, urging them to be the voice of Akbelen Forest and spread the message to stop the ecocide while standing in solidarity with the cause. [4]

The consequences of Akbelen Forest’s destruction extend far beyond its immediate surroundings. The coal mining venture not only disrupts the ecological balance but also poses serious risks to the well-being of the residents. The potential for air and water pollution from coal mine expansion raises concerns about human health and livelihoods in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the destruction of Akbelen Forest will possibly have a significant impact on the diverse array of living creatures inhabiting the region, disrupting their habitats and endangering their survival.

The struggle to protect Akbelen Forest is not a solitary endeavour, it reflects the global urgency to protect natural habitats and promote sustainable practices. The activists’ call for solidarity reminds us that protecting forests is a shared responsibility that transcends borders. As the world faces urgent environmental challenges, such as heat waves, preserving forests like Akbelen becomes more than a choice. The ecocide unfolding in Akbelen Forest serves as a compelling and urgent reminder that the time to act is now.

Sources and further reading

[1] Yeşil Gazete, ‘Residents of İkizköy call for support on 2nd anniversary ‘Occupy Akbelen Forest’ campaign’ (12 July 2023) <> accessed 3 August 2023.

[2] Duvar English, ‘Turkish gendarmerie tear gas villagers for resisting coal mine project in Akbelen Forest, 8 detained’ (24 July 2023) <> accessed 3 August 2023.

[3] Yeşil Gazete, ‘Turkish activists call on intl’l community to speak up to stop ecocide in Akbelen Forest’ (3 August 2023) <> accessed 3 August 2023.

[4] Ibid.