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Council of Europe Conference to Further Feminist Cause: A Reaffirmation of Commitment from Istanbul Convention

Photo Source: Gayatri Malhotra. Unsplash 2024.


Innocenti Chiara

Europe Researcher, 

Global Human Rights Defence


Strasbourg (FRANCE) — On May 30th, 2024, the Council of Europe hosted the conference “United around gender equality: making space for women and girls” at the Palais de l’Europe to mark the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention’s entry into force. This momentous event reaffirmed the commitment of the Member States to advancing women’s rights and gender equality while unveiling the new Gender Equality Strategy for the period 2024-2029.

Organised under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, the conference featured high-level speakers and experts. The morning session opened with a keynote speech by feminist campaigner Caroline Criado Perez, who addressed current and future challenges to achieving gender equality. This was followed by an address from the Lithuanian Vice Minister of Social Security and Labour, Justina Jakštienė, who emphasised the substantial progress made in the area of women’s protection and particularly in Poland. The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, then presented the new Gender Equality Strategy, which will guide the Organisation’s actions over the next five years. According to the Secretary-General, addressing gender inequality requires tackling both overt forms of violence—such as stalking, forced marriage, sexual violence, and psychological abuse—and more insidious issues like sexism and stereotyping, which, while less visible, have equally destructive consequences for victims.

Reflecting on the decade since the adoption of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention, the Secretary-General praised its remarkable achievements. With 38 ratifications, including by international organisations such as the European Union, and growing interest from non-member states, the Convention represents a pivotal tool in combating gender-based violence. She also urged stakeholders to renew their commitment to the principles enshrined in the Istanbul Convention and to support the ambitious objectives outlined in the 2024-2029 strategy.

The morning session concluded with a panel discussion that explored youth perspectives on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the context of global geopolitical challenges. The afternoon session was dedicated to celebrating the achievements of the Istanbul Convention, featuring addresses by the President of the Committee of the Parties and the President of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), the expert group monitoring the Convention’s implementation. A roundtable discussion provided insights into recent breakthroughs in the fight for gender equality, while the event concluded with a photo exhibition entitled “Through the lens: A decade of commitment to the Istanbul Convention.” The exhibition showcased ten visual interpretations of the Convention’s core principles, offering a creative reflection on its impact over the past decade.

As Justina Jakštienė stated, “Gender equality is a fundamental human right (…)  and not just a women’s issue”; that is why it is destined to affect all people. In this scenario, the Conference “United around gender equality: making space for women and girls” organised by the Council of Europe epitomises a step forward, serving as a reminder for all that we need to create safe spaces for women and girls. But the important thing is that “These spaces should not be mere tokens of inclusion but platforms for empowerment where every voice is heard, and every potential is realised”, concluded the Vice Minister.


Sources and further reading:

(2024, May 30). Secretary General marks 10 years of the Istanbul Convention launching the Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 2, 2024, from:

(2024, May 30). Launching Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029; ten years since Istanbul Convention entered into force. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 3, 2024, from: 

(2024, May 30). United around gender equality: making space for women and girls. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 1, 2024, from: 

(2024, May 30). United around gender equality: making space for women and girls. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 3, 2024, from: 

(2024, May 30). Gender Equality Commission (GEC) Annual Conference to launch the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029, marking 10 years since the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 1, 2024, from: 

(2024, May 30). Conference “United around gender equality: making space for women and girls”. The Council of Europe. Retrieved on June 1, 2024, from:„united-around-gender-equality-making-space-for-women-and-girls-?_com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_AssetPublisherPortlet_INSTANCE_Pe7FIn6JZMIS_assetEntryId=268168710&_com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_AssetPublisherPortlet_INSTANCE_Pe7FIn6JZMIS_redirect=

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