Corruption ranking in Pakistan

Corruption ranking in Pakistan
Photo source:


Eleni Patlaka

Pakistan Researcher,

Global Human Rights Defence

In January, the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) report was published, which examines the corruption rates of recognised countries in the public administration sector. The scale places states on a range from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 [very clean (Ahmed, 2024)]. 

According to the report, Pakistan has barely improved its ranking remaining at similar levels to the last 5 years (Ahmed, 2024). The slight positive change of 7 points, which placed it at 133rd position with a score of 29%, was contributed by both the action of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government and the commitment of civil society in reporting corruption practices (Geo tv, 2024). 

As Zia Perwez, President of Transparency International Pakistan points out, for significant positive changes to occur both the government and civil society need to pursue concerted efforts to fight corruption and effective enforcement and compliance of laws (BR Web Desk, 2024).

Sources and further readings:

Ahmed, A. (2024). Pakistan’s ranking on corruption perception index improves by 7 spots: report. [online] DAWN.COM. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2024].

BR Web Desk (2024). Corruption Perception Index 2023: Pakistan’s rank improves 7 places. [online] Brecorder. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2024].

GEO TV (2024). Pakistan's ranking on global corruption index improved under Shehbaz’s rule: TI. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2024].