Child Online Harassment in Pakistan

Child Online Harassment in Pakistan
Pexel/RDNE Stock project, 16 May 2021


Eleni Patlaka

Pakistan Researcher,

Global Human Rights Defence.

The National Commission on the Rights of the Child (NCRC) in a recent report highlighted the link between violence and exploitation and the internet and the need to address the issue of online harassment of children. In addition to highlighting incidents of violence and exploitation of children, the report takes a holistic approach (Kalbe, 2024).

Firstly, the report provides a comprehensive background for understanding the issue. It includes definitions and explanations of concepts such as ‘cyberbullying’, 'sexting', 'grooming', etc. In this context, it demonstrates that both biological sexes can be victims of harassment. In other words, harassment is not caused by gender identity, but by the perpetrator. It then explores the multiple dangers that children may be subjected to because of their use of the internet. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, accessing inappropriate content, contact with strangers, sexual abuse and exploitation. Finally, it provides recommendations for dealing with incidents of violence against children. In particular, it proposes strengthening legislation on the identification of incidents and analysis of sexual abuse material. It also calls for the dissemination of the 1991 helpline everywhere to facilitate the tracing process. In turn, families and teachers must protect the rights of children and themselves (Kalbe, 2024).

Sources and further reading:

Kalbe, A. (2024, March 12). Govt, civil society warned of growing child online harassment cases. DAWN.COM. <> accessed 12 March, 2024.