Attack on Garment Union Leader: A Call for Global Action to Protect Worker Rights

Attack on Garment Union Leader: A Call for Global Action to Protect Worker Rights
Labour law consultant, by RK management, via Flickr, 27 September 2018


Alexandra Posta

East and South Asia Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence

Garment union leaders in Bangladesh and Honduras have been tragically killed, drawing strong condemnation from global union and human rights organisations. These incidents underscore the urgent need for employers and governments worldwide to protect the rights of workers to form and join unions. The murder highlights the escalating attacks on democratic freedoms and emphasises the necessity for robust measures to safeguard worker rights and preserve democracy. (Connell, 28 June 2023; Ahmed, 28 June 2023; ITUC, 28 June 2023)

In Bangladesh, Shahidul Islam, a garment union leader affiliated with the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF), was fatally attacked in Gazipur, India (Ahmed, 28 June 2023). He had been advocating for unpaid wages owed to workers at the Prince Jacquard Sweaters factory. Shahidul was brutally beaten by a group of assailants who confronted him after a meeting with factory workers. Two other union leaders were also injured during the incident. The incidents have sparked widespread protests and demands for justice. (Connell, 28 June 2023; Ahmed, 28 June 2023; ITUC, 28 June 2023)

Various organisations are urging authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice and take decisive action to protect the right to organise (Connell, 28 June 2023; Ahmed, 28 June 2023; ITUC, 28 June 2023). The importance of government accountability in upholding international law and safeguarding the rights of trade unionists is imminent. Furthermore, global brands sourcing products from Bangladesh are called upon to conduct human rights due diligence in their supply chains and hold suppliers accountable for respecting workers' rights (Ahmed, 28 June 202). The ITUC highlights the need for brands to use their leverage to ensure compliance with human rights and international labour standards, particularly the right to freedom of association. Bangladesh's poor labour rights record further emphasises the urgency for concrete measures to protect workers' rights. (Connell, 28 June 2023;

ITUC, 28 June 2023).


Tula Connell. (28 June 2023). SOLIDARITY CENTER CONDEMNS MURDERS OF UNION LEADERS IN BANGLADESH, HONDURAS. Solidarity Center. Available at <>.

Redwan Ahmed. (28 June 2023). Bangladeshi labour leader beaten to death while trying to resolve dispute. The Guardian. Available at <>.

ITUC. (28 June 2023). Bangladesh: ITUC condemns murder of Shahidul Islam. ITUC CSI IGB. Available at <>.