A Ray of Hope Amidst Challenges: India's Path to Emissions Reduction

A Ray of Hope Amidst Challenges: India's Path to Emissions Reduction
India, by Ancilla Tilia via Flickr, 2014


Alexandra Posta

East and South Asia Human Rights Researcher

Global Human Rights Defence


Amidst the global challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, India's banking sector and environmental efforts have shown remarkable signs of progress. The operating environment for Indian banks has been revitalized as Covid-19-related economic risks have receded, as highlighted by Fitch Ratings (Nahata, 16 August 2023; Fortune, 16 August 2023). Simultaneously, the nation has made substantial strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieving a noteworthy 33% reduction over 14 years (Euronewsgreen, 10 August 2023).

Prior to the pandemic, concerns loomed over India's banking sector, prompting Fitch Ratings to revise its 'operating environment' score (Nahata, 16 August 2023; Fortune, 16 August 2023). The Indian economy faced a pivotal challenge in the form of the pandemic, but recent reports suggest that associated risks have subsided, resulting in a reaffirmation of India's sovereign rating (Nahata, 16 August 2023). Additionally, the robust average common equity Tier 1  (CET1) capital ratio, a key indicator of capital buffers, has risen, bolstering the sector (Nahata, 16 August 2023; Fortune, 16 August 2023). This positive trend is also reflected in Fitch's estimates of earnings buffers, signalling substantial progress in the sector's financial health (Nahata, 16 August 2023).

However, amidst these encouraging developments, persistent challenges remain, warranting attention. Despite financial improvements, the risk profile of Indian banks has not fundamentally altered (Nahata, 16 August 2023; Fortune, 16 August 2023). Potential risks, such as legal delays impeding the implementation of a strong bankruptcy framework, still cast a shadow (Nahata, 16 August 2023). This serves as a stark reminder that financial stability doesn't automatically translate into reduced risk for the sector (Nahata, 16 August 2023).

Amidst the evolving landscape of India's progress, it is crucial to underscore the environmental law implications and commitments that underpin the nation's efforts. India, as a party to international agreements like the Paris Agreement, has committed to substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The Paris Agreement obligates India to regularly report on its emission reduction targets and progress towards achieving them. Additionally, the country's National Action Plan on Climate Change outlines a comprehensive framework for addressing climate change through adaptation and mitigation strategies across various sectors. India's environmental efforts are also rooted in domestic legislation, such as the Environment (Protection) Act, which provides a legal foundation for regulating and managing environmental impacts. As India continues its journey towards environmental sustainability, it must not only fulfill its international commitments but also work towards integrating environmental considerations across all policy domains to ensure a holistic approach to long-term ecological balance.

In conclusion, India's dual journey towards strengthening its banking sector and curbing greenhouse gas emissions underscores the nation's resilience. The banking sector's progress is commendable, but vigilance against complacency is essential to avert any unforeseen risks (Nahata, 16 August 2023). Similarly, while India's emissions reduction efforts have borne fruit, a continued commitment to sustainable practices and renewable energy sources is paramount to maintaining this positive trajectory (Euronewsgreen, 10 August 2023). As we navigate the challenges ahead, it is imperative that financial prudence and environmental stewardship go hand in hand to ensure India's enduring prosperity.



Pallavi Nahata.  (16 August 2023). Fitch Says Indian Banks On A Strong Growth Trajectory, Risks Receding. BQ Prime. Available at < https://www.bqprime.com/business/indias-bank-operating-environment-strengthens-as-economic-risks-recede-says-fitch>.

Fortune.  (16 August 2023). India's bank operating environment boosted as economic risks recede: Fitch. Fortune India. Available at < https://www.fortuneindia.com/macro/indias-bank-operating-environment-boosted-as-economic-risks-recede-fitch/113754>.

Euronews Green.  (10 August 2023). India slashes emissions rate by one-third in 14 years, putting it on track to reach UN goal. EuroNews Green. Available at < https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/08/10/india-slashes-emissions-rate-by-one-third-in-14-years-putting-it-on-track-to-reach-un-goal>.